Monday, June 20, 2005

Turkey Bacon and Chicken Sausages

Malaysia is predominantly a Muslim country, and therefore any food 'derived from the swine' is not allowed.
This cuts out a lot of things that we take for granted in England - such as ham sandwiches, pork pies, bacon and sausages.

As a result, you find you are offered bacon made from sources which are not the pig, such as turkey and beef, as well as sausages containing chicken and no pork. Oddly enough, these taste quite like the real thing.

Although, it's difficult to understand why Muslims should want to eat bacon if they don't know what it tastes like and how do the people who make it know what it is supposed to taste like ?

Maybe they have a special Certificate allowing them to taste a pork sausage so that they can make a chicken sausage that has a similar taste. Maybe some non-Muslims,(aka Infidels !) sell them bottles of bacon flavouring, guaranteed not to contain anything 'derived from the swine'.

So for my first breakfast, I passed on things like Dhall Curry and took a slice of Turkey Bacon. After a moment to think about it, my taste buds sent back a message saying ' Who are you trying to kid ?'
So now I stick to cornflakes, scrambled eggs and orange juice and my day gets off to a good start !

On the plus side, they play Santana's Black Magic Woman so that's great.

Bye for now.

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