Friday, October 05, 2007

More terrible things in England

1) Two days ago, three 20-year-old guys pushed a 13-year-old boy into a pond.
Then they stoned him as he tried to get out and just watched as he drowned.
Just when I thought this country couldn't get worse, it does !!!

2) Earlier this week, a guy fell asleep on the late night train home. When it stopped a gang of teenagers got on and started stealing his money. When he woke up and tried to stop them, they kicked him to death.

3) The worst thing is that these incidents appear in small paragraphs buried deep inside the newspaper. A whole lot more space is given to political nonsense like 'Should be have an election ?'.

Today's my Birthday

I woke up early and got up at 6.00 am to start my birthday celebrations.
I'll sign up with the Woodland Trust charity (UK).
I'll also look into adding these entries to this Blog, instead of this diary.