Sunday, June 12, 2005

So Far, So Good ...

Here I am in the Business Class Lounge of Qatar Airways in Doha,(the capital city and where I change for the flight to Malaysia).
It's somewhat bizarre - flights shown on the departures board go to places like Beijing, Kiev/Kuwait (how can they both be linked?), Kathmandu, Seychelles, Islamabad and Hyderabad, and Kuala Lumpur (luckily for me !).
The first leg of the flight was uneventful - my wife and I were like kids - the seats had buttons to recline half and then recline full like a bed,(and they made a satisfying whirring noise) - so we were happily making lots of noise in competition for which of course could go from upright to recline and back the quickest. Other Business Class passengers looking scadalised at our childish behaviour. The other great thing was having our own individual video displays with about 50 films, 6 music channels, and so on. I watched 3 of the latest movies and suddenly the flight was over, Plus good quality French wine, and people bowing and scraping and saying 'Yes, Mr.Williams, No Mr.Williams, Three Bags Full, Mr.Williams'.
It's the life style I could easily get used to - in fact I think I should have been a few rungs higher up the social ladder and maybe at the turn of the century,(the twentieth century, that is), then I could have been independently wealthy, with 'my people' to attend to all of life's unpleasantnesses - like paying the bills !!!

My people have just told me I have to go now to catch my next flight.

So bye-bye.



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